
Announcement of electricity and drinking water rates as of 1st January 2019

Kralendijk – Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire N.V. (WEB) announces that the rates that will apply as off 1st January 2019 have been determined and published.

The changes for domestic customers with the most common connections are as follows:

On 4th December 2018 the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has set the cost-covering rates that WEB may charge to its customers. In order to keep the rates affordable, WEB can apply for subsidies for each tariff year. Also for 2019 WEB has – in consultation with the Executive Council of the Public Entity Bonaire (OLB) – applied for subsidies from the Ministries. Subsequently, taking into account the subsidies obtained, the final rates were set for all customers.

Periodic electricity rates

The fixed usage rate is reduced to USD 26.59 per month. The variable usage rate is reduced to USD 0.2693 per kWh.

For customers with delivery based on Pagabon the rate is reduced to USD 0.3822 per kWh.

Periodic drinking water rates

The fixed usage rate remains the same. The variable usage rate is increased to USD 4,436 per m3.

For customers with delivery via the water truck, the rate is increased to USD 5.172 per m3.

The new periodic rates for electricity and drinking water are applied to the invoices from February onwards (with a start date for consumption in January and an end date in February). For Pagabon and the water truck, the new rates are immediately visible from 1st January 2019.

One-off connection rates (*) electricity and drinking water Connections up to 25 meters

The one-off connection rates are reduced by 34%. This reduction is the result of an intensive search for possible cost savings for this activity. WEB is pleased that this has improved the affordability of the connections.

Connections over 25 meters

In 2019 there will no longer be a standard rate for longer length but the contribution for the customer will be based on actual expected costs. This allowed to also sharper calculate the one-off connection rates for connections up to 25 meters.

For connections with a length up to 25 meters, the new rates will be effective immediately and will apply to all requested and not yet realized connections as well as new applications. For connections with a length over 25 meters the new rates will be effective for connections that will be realized from 1st January 2019.

(*) One-off connection rates apply, for example, to the construction of a new home.

Full overviews of the new rates for electricity and drinking water and the calculation tool which you can calculate the amount of your drinking water and/or electricity invoice can be found on

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