Due to tax evasion and other offenses: Hefty fine and 240 hours community service for director of construction company

A hefty fine and 240 hours community service are the result of tax evasion and other offenses committed by a local construction company
The tax fraud was discovered during an assessment of the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland (B/CN) in Bonaire, followed by an examination by the Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst (FIOD) from The Netherlands. The Prosecutor’s office, motivating the choice of reaching a settlement in this case, stated that it this was the first case of this nature on the island. The prosecutor’s office also stated that is important that people are aware that tax evasion will be actively prosecuted. “Now that the standard is obvious for everyone, the next similar case will go to court for obvious reasons”, said Chief-Prosecutor Henry Hambeukers. The construction company in question will also have to rectify any incorrect tax declarations over the past years and make corresponding payments, which is something separate from the prosecution by the prosecutor’s office.