
Dutch Government Pays Corona Tests for Travelers in July and August

Reizigers kunnen gratis testen in juli en augustus
Photo: ABC Online Media/Inge Poorthuis.

THE HAGUE – Travelers who travel abroad from the Netherlands in July or August of this year can be tested for free. This was confirmed on Friday evening during the Corona press conference and in a letter to Dutch Parliament.

With this, the cabinet is responding to the House’s wish to make free tests possible for travelers. The free tests are intended for travelers who have not yet been (fully) vaccinated and who need to be tested before their trip abroad this summer. The government estimates that a maximum of 3.5 million tests will be needed in July and August. The costs are estimated at 250 million euros.

Three tracks

The test capacity for travelers is divided over three ‘tracks’. For example, tests are reimbursed that are taken by the travel industry for travel in July and August. This also applies to the tests that have already been paid for when booking a trip in these months. In addition, travelers can get a free test from a contracted party. A tender has been launched for this. Read more at

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