
Fundashon Cas Boneriano initiates new home construction at Hato

FCB Director Ben Oleana (r) with several invitees at the unveiling of the sign for the new project. Photo: ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK – On Wednesday, social housing builder Fundashon Cas Boneriano (FCB) celebrated the start of a construction project of new homes near the Hato district.

A total of 245 low to middle income homes will be built as part of the project. Most of these are intended for rental, but there will also be some homes which are up for sale to potential owners.

FCB Director Ben Oleana is delighted with the project. Oleana explained that not only more homes will be built, but they will also be constructed significantly faster than before. “In the Netherlands, series production is quite normal, which means that construction can be done considerably faster. We will now also apply certain of these techniques on Bonaire in order to be able to build faster”, Oleana assured.

New for Bonaire is the fact that the roads in the new district will consist entirely of clinker bricks. In addition, relatively much attention is paid to greenery.

The project at Hato is certainly not the only project the FCB is working on. A project will also start soon in the Nikiboko district, where 172 new residential units will be built. During the realization of that project, work is being done to ensure a sustainable energy supply, with the installation of solar panels and batteries.

To be able to work relatively fast, the FCB will make use of an unprecedented number of contractors. No less than ten contractors have been contracted to realize the housing association’s plans as quickly as possible. 


Oleana could not withstand the urge to also caution tenants of the new units to also meet their obligations. “There is still a long list of people waiting for a house. If you get a house, it is of course the intention that you also fulfill your obligations and pay the rent properly. Otherwise we will be forced to take measures”, said Oleana. The FCB director also expressed a word of thanks to the financiers of the projects, including Vidanova Bank and Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland (PCN). “Thank you for believing in us so that we can do what we exist for,” says Oleana.

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