In spite of increasing infections Bonaire: No New Measures needed for now

Kralendijk – According to the Government of Bonaire, the increasing number of active corona cases on Bonaire is is no reason to take stricter measures at the moment.
The Public Health department say they have a good picture of the infections. It is known from almost everyone where the infection was contracted. This mainly concerns young people with mild complaints. There are currently no indications that these young people have spread the infection among vulnerable groups such as the elderly. Healthcare is not under pressure with the number of infections and 1 hospitalization.
The Public Health Department expects the number of infections to increase in the coming days. There are more contacts of infected people who will have to be tested in the coming days. As long as the new infections are limited to direct contacts, there is no cause for concern. On Bonaire, 71.3% of the group of 18-year-olds and older has been fully vaccinated and 81.7% has received the first corona jab. That is why the Public Health Department expects it to be possible to control the infections without taking more severe measures. Of the young people aged 12 to 18 years, 24.8% have been fully vaccinated, and 38% have had the first shot. That is why Public Health calls on parents and guardians to inoculate children between the ages of 12 and 18 as much as possible.
Delta variant
It is expected that more young people will become infected now that the delta variant is active on the island and the school year has started. Last week there were 49 new cases of infections on Bonaire. The largest part belongs to three clusters, namely two school classes and a football team. Public Health is keeping a close eye on the situation, especially among young people and at schools. Students can just go to school.
If there are more infections in a school class, the school will immediately take measures in consultation with Public Health.