Opinion Poll: Political Situation St. Eustatius

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The island of St. Eustatius has seen more political turbulence in past years than the other 5 islands of the former Netherlands Antilles.
A political intervention by The Hague, appointment of (non-elected) Government Commissioners and the recent replacement thereof by two new commissioners.
Dutch Parliament is currently contemplating if a (gradual) return to democracy should be initiated now or postponed to a later point in time.
All the reason for the BES-reporter and Linkels & Partners to conduct an opinion poll on the political situation on the island.
How do residents feel about the intervention at this moment? How do they feel about the new Government Commissioners? Have political preferences changed? What are currently the most popular political parties? Which politicians would you like to see (re)elected to a future island council?
The poll consists of 20 (mostly) multiple-choice questions and can be filled out in under 10 minutes.
Participation in the poll is completely anonymous. The poll can be filled out till 12 noon on Saturday, May 2, 2020.
The results will be published in several articles on The BES-Reporter after closure of the poll.
Click here to start!