PJIA and Port St. Maarten defines hygiene protocol as top priority during Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs visit

Philipsburg–Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs toured the Princess Juliana International Airport with management of PJIA on Thursday, March 19. The tour was requested in order for Prime Minister Jacobs to ensure that the protocols described within the EOC meetings are being followed. PJIA have implemented a hygiene protocol, installation of WHO travel tips posters and public service announcements as some of their initial heightened measures. Passengers and staff are encouraged to practice social distancing by maintaining a one meter distance from the person, group or family group in front of you.
In addition to the heightened hygiene protocol, PJIA has currently implemented one isolation room. An information session on COVID-19, conducted by the Collective Prevention Service department was held with all the airport stakeholders. These sessions assist the workers to understand the importance of hygiene practices. PJIA is requesting for all passengers to contact their airline carrier should they have travel related questions or visit www.sxmairport.com and the airport social media pages for the latest flight operation listing and travel updates.
Prime Minister Jacobs also visited the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facilities where she met with management of Port St. Maarten, including the facility and maintenance manager as well as the safety and security manager. During her visit and tour of the facilities, the protocols that are in place when a vessel visits the country were discussed. Prime Minister Jacobs visited the Mini-Medical Unit and was able to see the various sanitization and hygiene upgrades throughout the facility.
Management of Port St. Maarten assured Prime Minister Jacobs that their operations had all in place to welcome the start of the new tourist season. Within the next two weeks Port St. Maarten will have two completed isolation rooms. They have agreed to facilitating more isolation rooms in the event that it is requested by the government. Cargo vessels will continue to enter and leave Port St. Maarten per usual. This service as well as food importation will not be affected for St. Maarten.
“I am very pleased with the proactive measures that Port St. Maarten has been taking to ensure that all workers, staff and stakeholders on the Harbor practice proper hygiene and understand how to protect themselves during this crisis period. PJIA had also created a contingency plan to ensure that the information internally was followed regarding the established protocols and I encourage other essential businesses to follow suit.” said Prime Minister Jacobs.