Prosecutor’s office organizes workshop on the seizure of criminal assets
KRALENDIJK – In the week from May 30 to June 3, 2022, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the first instance Curaçao organized the “Package Week”.
In this week, the seizure of criminal assets in all its facets, from seizure to confiscation, was discussed by means of workshops, among other things. “Take away targets” per OM task accent have also been established.
The objective is simple and effective: “Disrupt the criminal industry by confiscating criminally acquired assets in an innovative and integral manner, thereby sending a clear signal to society that crime does not pay”.
Confiscation squad
Since 2015, the Integrale Afpakteam Kòrsou (IAK) has also been active in Curaçao. This team delivered a lot of results in the first years, but the results have decreased significantly in recent years. The main reason for this is the increasing lack of personnel capacity.
At the beginning of this year, the Afpakteam was dismantled to continue in a decentralized form at the various services working in law enforcement.