Research into energy consumption among Bonairean households

The electricity consumption in the house can be a considerable expense. Using less power means a lower energy bill. Saving energy is easy if you know what to pay attention to.
To gain more insight into the energy consumption in Bonairean households, the Dutch NGO Milieu Centraal is conducting a survey among the residents of Bonaire. This will be done together with the Public Entity and consumer organization Unkobon. With this research, Milieu Centraal wants to develop practical tips to help you save costs on your energy bill. The more people participate, the better insight this will provide into energy consumption on Bonaire and the options for saving on it.
The investigation will start February 1 and will run until February 14.
Are you in? 5 LED lamps will be raffled among the participants. It will take about 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Click on this Button to start the questionnaire:
Enkuesta en torno uzo di koriente na kasnan aki na Boneiru
Uzo di koriente na kas por resultá den un gastu haltu na final di luna. Menos uzo di koriente mas abou e kuenta di koriente. Ekonómisá riba koriente ta fasil, basta bo sa ku kiko bo tin tene kuenta.
Pa por haña un mihó bista den uzo di koriente na kasnan aki na Boneiru e kompania hulandes NGO Milieu Centraal ta bai tene un enkuesta bou di e habitantenan di Boneiru. E kompania aki ta hasi esaki huntu ku Entidat Publiko di Boneiru y Unkobon. For di resultado di e enkuesta aki Milieu Centraal kier krea algun tép pa yuda e konsumidó ekonómisá riba su uzo di koriente. Mas hende partisipá na e enkuesta aki mas mihó bista lo haña den uzo di koriente aki na Boneiru y asina tambe haña e posibilidatnan pa ekonómisá riba esaki.
E enkuesta lo inisiá dia 1 di febrüari y lo terminá 14 di febrüari. Lo rifa 5 pera di led bou di e partisipantenan. Lo no tumábo mas ku 10 minüt pa yena e lista di pregunta.
Bo partisipashon na e enkuesta aki lo ta altamente rekomendá y apresiá.
Pa yega na e “link” di e lista di pregunta primi