WEB Bonaire annouces new electricity rates as of June 1st 2018

Kralendijk, 30th May 2018 – Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire N.V. (WEB) and the Executive Council of the Public Entity Bonaire (OLB) have decided to announce and publish the new electricity rates as of 1st June 2018. The new rates will be valid from that date.
This will put an end to the temporary rates that were set for the months of April and May 2018. After intensive consultations with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK), OLB and other stakeholders, OLB requested the redistribution of the in March awarded subsidy by EZK over various categories. As a result of this redistribution, the smaller connections – mostly households – are protected as much as possible against negative consequences of the new rate structure.
When determining the rates, WEB has the task to take into account the interests of the customers and to ensure non-discriminatory rates. WEB is aware that the consequences of the new rates are not fully compensated in all individual cases.
The fixed electricity rates as of 1st June 2018 can be found on www.webbonaire.com – these rates take account of the granted subsidy.