
Koos Sneek about Action List: ‘Acting on my own’

Photo BES-Reporter
Koos Sneek Mariott 3
Photo BES-Reporter

Oranjestad/The Hague- Independent member of the Island Council in St. Eustatius says that his push in The Netherlands for his so-called ‘Action List’ is an action by himself and nobody else.

Sneek stated this in an email to The BES-Reporter on Friday. “I would like to make it clear that I have no endorsement from the government commissioner to do anything and also never I have sought his endorsement. As an independent island council member I have presented my plans for this governing period to Mr. Van Rij and Ms. Francis. I have also shared them with the island council”, according to Sneek.

Sneek also sayd that in The Hague he discussed his plans with his own network and with members of the Kingdom Relations Committee of the 2nd Chamber. “I have also published them online for everyone to read. All of this is within my responsibility as an island council member”, said Sneek.


Sneek added he was somewhat surprised by what he called ‘the noise’ out of St. Eustatius. “Before leaving for Holland Mr. Van Putten, a member of the PLP faction, acknowledged to have read the document and did notice a number of issues that are also on his party’s agenda, which we could work on together. I am wondering where this noise now is coming from when I make sure to put issues on the agenda that are important for Statia”.

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