
Public Entity Bonaire responds to alarming Greenpeace report

Photo TCB

KRALENDIJK- The public body Bonaire (OLB) will bring the concerns from the report of Greenpeace Netherlands, regarding climate change and its potential impact on Bonaire, to the attention of the ministries in The Hague.

Island Governor Edison Rijna says that the report underlines Bonaire’s existing concerns. “The problems described in the report concern many departments. It is important that we ensure that Bonaire can defend itself against climate change in the long term. We want to do this by continuing to collaborate and dialogue with the ministries. Together with my fellow directors, I will continue to make efforts to emphasize the urgency of this.”

According to Commissioner James Kroon of the Environment, the subject of climate was already high on the BC agenda. “During our working visit to the Netherlands last June, we discussed the options for setting up a Climate Table on Bonaire, in order to absorb the consequences of climate change as effectively as possible. Follow-up discussions on this will be organized shortly with the various stakeholders and interest groups.”

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