Internet consultation on social support and combating domestic violence and child abuse
KRALENDIJK – On the 22nd of November, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) launched an internet consultation on the proposed Besluit maatschappelijk ondersteuning en bestrijding huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling BES (Social Support and Combating Domestic Violence and Child Abuse BES Decree).
There are currently no regulations regarding assistance and support for people with a disease or disability or for elderly people living at home. There are also no regulations regarding the combating of domestic violence and child abuse. The Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland (ZJCN) Programme Directorate of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) has recently reached agreements with the Public Entities and organisations involved to regulate this properly in the Caribbean Netherlands.
Through the internet consultation, anyone can make suggestions for improvement of these regulations. The ambition is for the (proposed) decree to enter into force on the 1st of January, 2024.
Social support
Rules are being drawn up for social support for the residents of the Caribbean Netherlands with a disease or disability and for elderly people living at home. The aim is for them to live independently at home for as long as possible and to be able to participate effectively in society. For example, by offering day-care or assistance.
Domestic violence and child abuse
The proposed decree further regulates that citizens and professionals can contact the advice and information hotline for domestic violence and child abuse in case of signals of domestic violence and child abuse, like the Guiami advice and information hotline on Bonaire. The tasks of the advice and information hotline are also laid down legally in the decree. In addition, professionals are granted the right to report to this advice and information hotline, where necessary whilst breaching their professional confidentiality. Certain organisations, such as justice, education, childcare, and care providers, are also required to adopt a domestic violence and child abuse protection code. This kind of protection code assists professionals in taking steps when they observe signs of domestic violence and child abuse during their work.
You can react to the proposed decree (the Order in Council) via the internet consultation up to and including January 9, 2023: | Consultation Social Support and Combating Domestic Violence and Child Abuse (BES) Decree (