Bonaire’s government calls for vigilance against Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika
KRALENDIJK- The Public Entity Bonaire calls on citizens to be vigilant against the disease that can be transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
During the rainy season, if puddles of water remain, there is a good chance that the mosquito in question will breed. Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika are transmitted by one species of mosquito, the Aedes aegypty, also known as the Dengue mosquito. This mosquito mainly lives in people’s homes and gardens. The female mosquito stings people to be able to suck blood that she needs to feed her eggs in her body. Then she looks for objects with water in them to lay her eggs in. The Dengue mosquito has a strong preference for artificial objects with smooth walls and clear water,” according to Local Government
The most effective way to prevent Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika is to remove all places where mosquitoes can breed. The mosquito lays its eggs in standing water, such as in plastic containers, car tires, bottles, cans and buckets where rainwater remains. The Public Health Department therefore calls on everyone to regularly check and clean up all objects that may contain water in and around the house.
Protective clothing
OLB also points out that it is also important to avoid being bitten by the mosquito. “During the rainy season, wear protective clothing, use a strong mosquito repellent (such as DEET) and keep your house free of mosquitoes by using screens and possibly by spraying indoors.
The Bonaire Public Health Department of the OLB reports that there are currently no signs of Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika circulation on Bonaire, but that does not mean that this cannot change.