
Bonaire Island Governor: “Caution is the priority in reopening Sorobon after crocodile sighting”

Photo - ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK – Since the sighting of a crocodile in the waters near Sorobon on October 8, Bonaire has been on high alert. While the search for the animal continues, Island Governor John Soliano is consulting with various stakeholders about the safety and potential reopening of the popular windsurfing area. Meanwhile, local businesses are suffering heavy financial losses and are eagerly awaiting a solution. Despite this, the island governor told the editorial team at, “Caution is the priority in reopening Sorobon after the crocodile sighting.”

On the evening of October 8, Island Governor John Soliano was informed about a crocodile sighting near Sorobon, a beloved windsurfing area on the island. The report came from Stinapa, Bonaire’s nature organization, which took immediate action after being notified. Soliano confirms that there has been an intensive search for the animal since that night, but the crocodile has not been seen again.

“There has been a lot of effort from Stinapa and my team,” Soliano says. “We have used bait, cameras, and drones to monitor the situation. We believe it is an American crocodile, which does not typically attack people.” Nevertheless, concerns are high among the public and business owners, especially because the bay has been closed to the public since the sighting.

Search and Safety

The search for the crocodile continues, but not without challenges. “We are searching strategically, based on the behavior of this crocodile species,” Soliano explains. “We are searching smartly, not randomly. We know that this animal can survive for a month without eating again, so we must account for longer periods during which it may remain hidden.”

Stinapa claims to have deployed the appropriate resources, but on the night of the sighting itself, no action was taken to capture the animal. “There were no suitable nets available at the time to catch the crocodile,” Soliano acknowledges. “Moreover, the animal disappeared quickly. We now need to ensure that we can capture it safely if it reappears.”

Reopening Sorobon in Phases

For local business owners, the situation is dire. They see their revenues decline daily due to the closure. Discussions with local businesses and authorities are underway to consider various scenarios for a partial reopening of Sorobon. “We will proceed in phases,” says Soliano. “With the necessary caution, we will probably open soon, but the water will remain off-limits for the time being.”

The island governor emphasizes that safety comes first but also that long-term solutions are being considered. “We need to thoroughly assess the risks, both for windsurfers and other visitors.”

No Financial Support for Business Owners

Despite the difficult situation for entrepreneurs, there is currently no direct financial compensation from the government. Soliano explains that no special fund is available for such events. “This falls under business risks, for which companies can normally insure themselves,” says the island governor. “We are trying to minimize the damage by acting quickly and cooperating with the business owners.”

Coexisting with the Crocodile?

Meanwhile, it seems realistic that Bonaire will have to deal with crocodiles more frequently in the future. “We will have to learn to manage the presence of a crocodile in our mangroves at this time,” says Soliano. “This means taking the right measures and better understanding the animal’s behavior.” Although some researchers suggest that the presence of a crocodile is a positive sign for the ecosystem, the island governor remains cautious. “I have read these suggestions as well. The people of Bonaire and tourists have not learned to live with a crocodile in our midst. That is why I am cautious about these views.”

In the coming days, more clarity will be provided on the status of the crocodile and the potential reopening of Sorobon. An official announcement from the authorities is expected on Monday, in which concrete steps will be outlined.

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