C3 takes over Obsersi Electronics Radio service
‘Critical Communication Caribbean’ or C3, led by Bert Schreuder says that C3 will continue to offer the same service from the office of Obersi Electronics on Kaya Grandi Bonaire. “We are very pleased that we can continue to work with Obersi Electronics, and at the same time have our radio network on seven islands in house. We as specialists in ‘mission-critical communications service to deepen the customer in Bonaire, while Obersi Electronics will focus on its other products and services”, according to Schreuder.
Schreuder says that since the taking over of Zenitel by the Curacao Growth Fund, C3 is now engaged in a full network upgrade in the Caribbean, to build a new headquarters in Emmastad, Curacao and make investments like this in Bonaire. Schreuder also says that C3 just finished the rebranding process from Zenitel to C3. There are 30 people working from offices in Curacao, Aruba, St. Maarten, Bonaire and Colombia.