
DT&H and FTPKB Collaborate to Enhance Consumer Protection on Bonaire

KRALENDIJK – Last week, the Directorate of Supervision & Enforcement (DT&H) of the Public Entity Bonaire (PEB) and the Foundation Fundashon Tienda Pa Konsumidó Boneriano (FTPKB) reached an agreement to work closely together to improve consumer protection on Bonaire.

The new approach, expected to launch within three weeks, focuses on educating entrepreneurs and conducting physical inspections at businesses. The goal is to inform entrepreneurs about legal regulations and price controls, ensuring consumers are guaranteed fair trade practices.


DT&H emphasizes that collaboration with partners like FTPKB is essential to maximize impact. At the same time, strict enforcement will be applied where necessary, with penalties for businesses found in violation. “We assist where possible, but we will also take action when needed. The Bonairean consumer deserves protection,” stated DT&H.

Through this joint approach, both parties aim to promote transparency and trust on Bonaire.

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