Kick-off Anti-Bullying Week at Saba’s Sacred Heart school
THE BOTTOM- Pupils and staff of Saba’s Sacred Heart School on Monday morning, May 16 took part in the opening ceremony of the 2022 Anti-Bullying Week 2022 and the 2022 Book Week, both of which take place this entire week.
After the Saba Song, the Sacred Heart School Song and a prayer, principal Hortence Promes welcomed everyone and called the Anti-Bullying Week and the Book Week a good combination because they both addressed very important matters such as treating each other with kindness and respect.
Etsel Lake of the After School Care and a few pupils made a short statement against bullying. Lucrecia Paulina of the Community Development Department presented her poem about bullying. Announcing the next part of the program, Lake said that as a child, he was bullied. “One trick that helped me was reading,” he said.
Director of the Queen Wilhelmina Library Tiffany Zagers announced this year’s winners of the Book Week 2022 slogan and design. Children from Grade 1 to 6 made a slogan from this year’s theme: friendship. From these entries, the judges picked “Tell a friend grab a book, let’s go read in our little nook.” This slogan was written by Je’Mya Massiah of Grade 3. The entries for the design competition came from the Saba Comprehensive School. Emely Rosa Vasquez of Pro 2, was the winner of this year’s design. The Library Class of the Year was Grade 1 of the Sacred Heart School.
Island Governor Jonathan Johnson performed the official opening of Anti-Bullying Week 2022 and Book Week 2022.