Labour Inspectorate checks on Companies St. Eustatius
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – The Labour Inspectorate has carried out various inspections at companies on St. Eustatius. Together, six foreign nationals who resided illegally on the island and for whom no work permit had been issued, were found working at two companies. KPCN and the KMar provided support for these inspections, which were carried out specifically on the basis of signals. The six concerning persons have been placed under the supervision of KPCN for further processing.
There was no question of labour exploitation at either company. The employers will receive a fine because they violated the BES Employment of Foreigners Act. It is not allowed to let employees from abroad work without a permit. This legislation protects the labour market and fights unfair competition.
The labour inspectors found a number of violations in the field of the BES labour law. Several employers received a warning because they structurally allow their employees to work more than forty hours, while they do not pay them extra for overtime. Overtime is only allowed within set conditions and against overtime pay.
In addition to carrying out checks in the field of fair, safe and healthy work, the Labour Inspectorate is currently investigating a number of cases on St. Eustatius in which there may be fraud with the corona support.
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