Aviation & Travel
PCR Test now also Required for Flights to Curaçao
23-03-2021 -
1 minuten leestijd
Kralendijk- As of Tueday, March 23, travelers who fly from Bonaire to Curaçao also need to be in possesion of a negative PRC test result to be allowed entry.
The requirement is based on a directive from the Curaçao Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) sent out yesterday.
The test can be a maximum of 72 hours old, before arrival. Up to now a negative PCR test requirement was already in place for travel from Curaçao to Bonaire, but not the other way around. The number of infections on both Bonaire and Curaçao has quickly increased over the past week. For a long time, Bonaire was seen as a ‘low-risk’ country but this is no longer the case.
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