Police and justice

Police Bonaire again arrests drunk drivers

An Officer van KPCN checks a driver’s documents.

KRALENDIJK – Officers from the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force (KPCN) have once again arrested drivers in recent days who were found to be under the influence of alcohol.

On Saturday, July 13, around 1:45 AM, a 38-year-old man with the initials G.G.S. was arrested on Hanchi Amboina for driving under the influence of alcohol. The suspect was involved in a collision. Following the ‘collision means testing’ policy, a breath test was conducted, which showed that he had consumed more than the allowed amount of alcohol. The driver was arrested and taken to the police station for a breath analysis. As a result of the test, his driver’s license was confiscated.

In the early hours of Monday, July 15, a 58-year-old man with the initials W.A.E. was arrested on Kaya Andres A. Emerenciana for driving under the influence. The suspect was involved in a collision, which led to an argument between the drivers. Upon further inspection, one of the drivers (the suspect) could not show a valid driver’s license and exhibited signs of being under the influence of alcohol.

After conducting a breath analysis, the involved driver was given a 10-hour driving ban.


KPCN has repeatedly stated that it will take strict action against driving under the influence. Last year, for this reason, dozens of driver’s licenses were confiscated and driving bans were imposed, which, depending on the severity of the violation, can last from a few weeks to several months.

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