Progressive Labour Party St. Eustatius launches Fraction Support
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- The Progressive Labour Party (PLP) of St. Eustatius has launched their farction support as per July 15, 2021. Two persons have in the meantime been appointed to support the Party in the St. Eustatius Island Council.
Mr. Vaughn Sams, a well known local entrepreneur and Mr. Glenn Schmidt, also an entrepreneur and former Commissioner in the Executive Council will be located at the PLP fraction office in the Government Guesthouse which is the seat of the Island Council and where council members has their official offices.
The fraction support will among other things support the council members in preparing for Island Council and other meetings, carry out relevant research, assist with communication via the press and social media, and liaison with community stakeholders.
The fraction office will be manned Monday to Friday from 9 AM through 4 PM daily and is open to the Public who may want to bring any issue to the attention of island council members or who may need assistance addressing government issues.
The public is also encouraged to reach out via telephone +599-318-4515 as we still adhere to the necessary Covid-19 measures. We encourage everyone to make use of the opportunity to keep council members abreast of the happenings within the community.
The St. Eustatius Island Council was elected in October 2020 and approved funds for faction support for the first time earlier this year, allowing all factions to appoint support staff. This is intended to improve and professionalize the functioning of the council and to better serve our community.
The fraction Sneek, of Island Council member Koos Sneek was the first to install his fraction support, which already took place some months ago.