
Reader Survey: Unfair Competition for local, Bonairean Companies?

KRALENDIJK – In recent times, especially on social media, there have been many complaints about the competition that locally established businesses face from competitors from abroad, that is, from providers which are not established/registered on Bonaire.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, both the Public Entity of Bonaire (OLB) and the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) actively implemented policies to award work to local providers as much as possible. But how does this stand in 2023?

And what about the Caribbean Netherlands Tax Office? Do they (actively) take action against companies that sell services or products locally but do not charge or remit General Revenue Tax (ABB) for them? And what is the role of the Chamber of Commerce when it comes to this issue?

These are all interesting questions for which we would like to provide a more objective answer. That’s why ABC Online Media and Linkels & Partners are conducting this (online) survey.

PLEASE NOTE: The survey is primarily intended for local businesses and local providers. If you are not a (local) entrepreneur, we kindly ask you not to complete this survey.

Among respondents who leave their name or email at the end of the survey, we will raffle off 3 gift cards of $50 each.


The survey can be completed in Dutch, English, or Papiamento. The Papiamento version can be found under the option ‘Português (Brazil).

Click here to complete the survey:

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