
Roads to Seru Largu in Deplorable Condition

Both roads leading to the top, and the hugely popular lookout on Seru Largu, are in a deplorable condition and not getting any better. Photo: BES-Reporter.

Kralendijk- Although it is a well-known fact that a large part of the road network on Bonaire is in a poor condition, the two roads leading up to the top of the popular Seru Largu are in truly sad state indeed.

It appears that the popular ’emergency repairs’, which for years have been applied by the local government to the local roads, have not reached the roads leading to the popular tourist attraction.

The condition of the roads leading to Seru Largu is extra sad, taking into account that the lookout point and the catholic memorial are visited by thousands of tourists per year.

The inability of the Government to maintain the infrastructure at tourist attractions such as Seru Largu also raises questions about the net economic value of the hundreds of thousands of cruise ship tourists who arrive in Bonaire year after year. In fact, the infrastructure -already in poor condition- sustains the extra stress of the many buses with cruise tourists, traveling across the island to the various attractions.

The ‘Strategic Tourism Plan’, which was completed nearly two years ago seems to have been placed in the proverbial ‘bottom drawer’, ever since it was delivered to the Executive Council of the island.

The MPB party, while in opposition, repeatedly stressed the need to implement the recommendations of the strategic plan. Now that the party forms part of the newly installed Executive Council, it can only be hoped that the recommendations of the report will be finally implemented.

Hopefully the newly installed Executive Council will also feel compelled to implement much needed repairs on said roads, even if only a temporary and short-term solution.

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