
Statia COVID-19 Vaccination Registration

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Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – The coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine. Everyone is looking forward to living without the COVID-19 measures and restrictions. Vaccination will be a major step towards achieving this goal. Currently several vaccines against COVID-19 have been developed, tested, and reviewed. Only coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that are safe and effective have been approved.

St. Eustatius will receive vaccines from the Netherlands. This will be either the Pfizer /BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine. Both are widely approved vaccines. An approved and thoroughly tested vaccine will give you the best protection against the coronavirus, which will enable us to pick up live as it was.

The Public Health Department expects to receive the first shipment of vac-cines in February 2021. Statia is fortunate that they will receive sufficient vaccines for the entire population of Statia. That means they, most likely, do not have to prioritize. Let them make use of this opportunity to safeguard our community. Vaccination against covid-19 is a joint effort.

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