
Tip for hassle-free holiday gifts | Advertisement

The holiday season brings joy, especially when we exchange gifts. But did you know that some gifts can unintentionally cause problems? Think of wireless camera systems, headphones, microphones, weather stations, and other wireless gadgets that may disrupt the mobile network.

What to do when purchasing Gifts?

Choose your gifts carefully, ensuring they won’t pose any issues when used in the Caribbean Netherlands. Keep in mind that interference detected by the Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur (RDI) could result in consequences for your recently gifted device. It may be prohibited from further use, and in certain instances, subject to confiscation.

For more information, visit: machtigingsvrije-apparatuur or you can contact the RDI at telephone number +599- 7173140 or visit our office at Kaya Grandi 69.

Choose wisely and enjoy a festive and trouble-free tim

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