
Governor Johnson: ‘Why are there border controls between BES-islands to start with?’

Governor Johnson: 'Why are there border controls between BES-islands to start with?'

THE BOTTOM- Governor Jonathan Johnson of Saba, in discussions related to the ongoing saga with the startup of the Makana ferry service, raised an interesting point, namely the lack of logic in having border controls between two islands which form part of the Caribbean Netherlands.

“On a recent trip to St. Eustatius I was being subjected to border control. It is remarkable to be checked while traveling from one part of the Netherlands to the other. There is no border control between Terschelling and Ameland”, said Johnson in his conversation with KMAR.

According to Johnson, the KMAR had no option but to agree that this situation is indeed strange.


According to information provided by Johnson after his conversation with KMAR, it must be noted that appearantly the lack of staff is not the only issue. So far it seems as if the border between the islands are only open from 7AM to 7PM; something that will need changeing in the light of the proposed ferry services.

Saba and St. Eustatius will jointly take up the matter with the various ministries in The Hague, in the hope to get the ferry service operational as soon as possible.

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