Aviation & Travel

Giordano Molina new Chief Operations Officer at Flamingo Airport

KRALENDIJK- Flamingo Airport has found a new Chief Operations Officer (COO) in Giordano Molina, who hails from the island.

After completing his studies in Operations Management & Logistics at Eindhoven University of Technology, Molina gained extensive experience in aviation over the past years, including positions at Inselair and later at the Curaçao Airport Holding.

Airport Director Maarten van der Scheer is pleased with the recruitment of Molina. “We have attracted several new employees, with a focus on attracting local talent.”

Local talent

In addition to Molina, Gregorio Matthew will also be appointed to a new position as Airport Operations Manager as of May 1. Matthew has been working at the airport for 19 years, acquiring a wealth of knowledge and experience. “A great and well-deserved step,” says Bonaire International Airport (BIA) about Matthew’s promotion.

BIA was assisted in the search for the new COO by consulting firm Linkels & Partners.

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