
Chirino Dental Clinic With Visit to Elderly of Cocari

Seen in the picture are dentist Percy Chirino, Charlotte Rodriquez, Ana Montoya, Silvana Janga Servillia, Kristy Paulina, Carla Verheggen, Arnd Chirino en Jeamy Zaalman at the Cocari center for the elderly. Photo: CDC

Seen in the picture are dentists Percy Chirino, Charlotte Rodriquez and Carla Verheggen from Chirino Dental Clinic (CDC), together with Ana Montoya, Silvana Janga Servillia, Kristy Paulina Arnd Chirino and Jeamy Zaalman at the Cocari center for the elderly. Photo: CDC

Kralendijk- Last Wednesday, August 22, dentist Percy Chirino and his team from Chirino Dental Clinic (CDC) visited the elderly in Rincon at the invitation of the Cocari Foundation.


In the presence of more than 50 visitors, the dentist team provided an information presentation entitled ‘Un Sonrisa Sano’ (a healthy smile). The presentation was led by dentists Charlotte Rodriquez and Carla Verheggen, both working at Chirino Dental Clinic.

During the presentation, the team discussed the importance of oral hygiene for seniors. The dentists explained and demonstrated how elderly should maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent tooth loss due to dental complications and mouth disease. The dentists also discussed the topic of other (oral) diseases, such as oral cancer.

The visit turned out to be a great meeting with an exchange of ideas and also many questions to the dentists. The elderly showed a great interest in proper oral hygiene.

Chirino and his team sincerely thanked the Cocari Foundation and her team for delivering on the successful event.

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