Belastingdienst seizes vehicles when not paying tax
Kralendijk – The Belastingdienst CN starts with a new system to seize. When a tax payer refuses to meet his tax and payment obligations, this instrument can be applied. It is a shield that is placed on the vehicle’s windscreen, so that it can’t be used anymore. Make sure you pay your taxes on time so that you do not have to deal with this.
This way of seize takes place after there has been appropriate communication with the taxpayer. Only when the taxpayer chooses not to pay, the Belastingdienst will have no other option than to use this instrument.
The instrument can be applied for all types of tax debts, such as inkomstenbelasting, vastgoedbelasting or loonbelasting. On Bonaire, in cooperation with the Public Entity, this instrument will also be used when island taxes such as motorrijtuigenbelasting (vehicle tax), have not been paid.
Of course it is preferred not to install this instrument on your vehicle. Therefore you should pay your taxes on time. Should you have any doubts about outstanding tax debts, the Belastingdienst can, of course, provide you with a summary. If you should have any questions on this topic, please contact the Belastingdienst CN’s afdeling invordering(collection department), via 715 8585.