
Appointment of Island Governor for Sint Eustatius can begin

Photo - St. Eustatius Tourism

THE HAGUE/ORANJESTAD – Sint Eustatius has implemented improvements over the past year that were necessary to function properly and independently carry out its own tasks. All conditions have now been met to enter the third phase of the Law on the Recovery of Facilities for Sint Eustatius. This consists of two parts: the establishment of the Royal Decree and the appointment of an Island Governor. The procedure for this is underway.

The appointment of an Island Governor for the island is seen as an important step towards the restoration of local democracy after the Dutch government sent home the Executive Council and the Island Council in February 2018 due to serious neglect of duties.


States General

The Royal Decree initiating this step towards the conclusion of the Law on the Recovery of Facilities for Sint Eustatius can be sent to the Second and First Chamber. The Council of Ministers has agreed to this proposal by State Secretary Van Huffelen of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

The parliaments now have until March 6th to express their views on the content of the decree. Due to the spring recess, a longer period is allowed than the regular four-week term. Afterward, the decree can be signed by the King.

Upon signing the Royal Decree, the relations will be restored in accordance with regular administrative and financial legislation for Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius. The Acting Kingdom Representative will also have a number of additional powers until the Law expires on September 1, 2024.

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