
Breaking News: Winair Discontinues Flights To Aruba/Curacao

Air Antilles in Curacao 2 foto HL

Philipsburg – Sint Maarten based carrier WINAIR today informed travelers that from July 14, 2020 (today), their services to Curacao and Aruba were discontinued.

According to the carrier, the effects of COVID-19 continued to cause negative consequences on the regional population. WINAIR said they could no longer support flights to Aruba/ Curacao due to extremely low load factors on their aircraft.


WINAIR said they would continue to move forward in the region cognizant of the uncertainty in the historic markets remains a challenge. However, they also expressed the fact that they would continue to serve Saba, Statia, St. Barth and Antigua from their hub in St. Maarten.

WINAIR also assured that they remained committed to working within the region to re-establish reliable, safe and consistent service. The carrier also thanked their customers for their confidence and patronage and said to be looking forward to serving them in the future.

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