Cft: “Saba needs Structural Financing for Structural Tasks”
23-02-2020 -
1 minuten leestijd
The Bottom, Saba- The College for Financial Supervision the BES islands (Cft) has once again reiterated their view that structural tasks of the Public Entity Saba, require structural financing. Although Saba is constantly lauded as being fully in compliance when it comes to Financial Management, Minister Raymond Knops -like his predecessor Ronald Plasterk- seems to be deaf to pleas from Saba and Cft about the need of more financial resources for tasks the island has to carry out on a permanent/structural basis. Unlike the many of other islands, Saba has had its financial house in order for the longest while. Since 2014 for instance, all financial statements of the Public Entity have been formally approved by external auditors. Saba Package In 2019, the Hague and Saba agreed on the so-called "Saba Package", which included the sourcing of structural financial means for the execution of the island’s tasks. In spite of the agreement, the Cabinet seems set to only make a decision about a possible higher 'free allowance' for Saba after a careful evaluation of the full range of tasks that are borne by the smallest BES island, as opposed to the tasks carried out by the Kingdom Government.