
Correctional institutions share knowledge and experience through exchange program

Prison officers from Sentro di Detenshon i Korekshon Korsou (SDKK) on Curaçao, Korrektie Instituut Aruba (KIA) on Aruba and the Caribbean Netherlands Correctional Institution (Justitiële Inrichting Caribisch Nederland, JICN) on Bonaire are participating in a joint exchange program starting Monday, the 29th of August. 

The Point Balance prison on St. Maarten will also be part of the exchange in a later stage. The goal is to share knowledge and experience between the different institutions, among others in the field of reintegration and treatment of detainees. The JICN was chosen as the knowledge center where the exchange will take place. 


The exchange program is expected to continue through December, to give as many staff members as possible the opportunity to work directly with a colleague from one of the other Caribbean judicial institutions. The directors of all institutions will meet on Monday, the 29th and Tuesday, the 30th of August on Bonaire for the directors’ consultation and will be present at the kick-off of this joint project.

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