
Government Bonaire will conduct controls on price of basic goods

KRALENDIJK- The Directorate of Supervision and Enforcement will carry out price controls to determine the extent to which agreements made about Bon Kompra Plus, or the so-called ‘basic basket,’ are being adhered to. 

Bon Kompra Plus is an initiative that came about at the request of the consumer organization UNKOBON. Now that a significantly higher minimum wage is set to take effect next year, the OLB wants to prevent a price explosion resulting from this change.


Therefore, an investigation will now be conducted to ensure that prices within the basic basket remain affordable for the community of Bonaire. The Executive Council (BC) aims for stability and balance in the market while protecting the interests of the residents.

“We are determined to ensure that the recent increase in the minimum wage in Bonaire does not result in excessive price increases that negatively impact our community. These price controls are a step to ensure the stability of our economy and to keep life affordable for everyone,” says Commissioner Clarck Abraham.


The BC promises to share the results of the investigation with the citizens.

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