High Ticket Prices Seen as Biggest Problem on Saba
The Bottom, Saba- Ticket prices for air travel are perceived as the biggest problem on the island of Saba, according to a survey recently executed by Linkels & Partners.
A total of 52.2% of respondents indicated airplane ticket prices as the number 1 problem when asked to indicate the 3 biggest problems on the island. High food prices are considered the second biggest problem, with 50.7% of respondents marking that as the most important problem on the island.
The lack of banking options and ‘favoritism’ by the ruling party share the third place of biggest problems according to respondents in the Survey. Both were marked as the island’s biggest problem by 23.3% of respondents.
Respondents had the option of filling out other problems on the island, which were not mentioned in the survey. The problem most often spontaneously mentioned in the survey is the price for electricity on the island, often mentioned as ‘SEC prices’ or ‘SEC Electricity bill’, which one resident dubbed as being “out of control”.
Not only the problems which were marked as ‘big problems’ are interesting, but also some of the options which were marked least often. For instance, ZVK service is seen as the biggest problem on the island by a mere 4,3% of respondents. Limited business opportunities (4.3%) and Lack of job opportunities (8,7%) are not considered to be very big problems for the island either, contrary to what is often heard.
Linkels & Partners managing director Harald Linkels said that the results of the survey should be interpreted with some caution. “Although over 6% of illegible voters can be considered a very decent sample size, the amount of 69 respondents in absolute numbers is still relatively small”. According to Linkels even though the survey provides interesting insights in public opinion, due to the size of the sample the results may have a relatively high margin of error.
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