
Information Session For Foster Parents in Bonaire

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Mr. Curvin George, informed the foster parents of ongoing developments. Photo: JGCN.

On August 22nd Jeugdzorg en Gezinsvoogdij (JGCN) organized an information session for foster parents on Bonaire. The JGCN director, Mr. Curvin George, informed the foster parents of ongoing developments.

During the information session the foster parents were informed on how the frameworks for foster care will be established in the future. The letter that State Secretary Blokhuis sent to Tweede Kamer on June 22nd was also explained. For the formation of new frameworks, JGCN wants to look for new partners such as Foster Care Netherlands. Focus groups will be set up for the foster parents who will join in this process. Additionally, the new frameworks will be compared with the policy of those of neighboring islands. The care for the child is point of focus and thus forms the framework for foster care in the Caribbean Netherlands.

The foster parents were also informed that they will continue to receive compensation. By means of this meeting JGCN wishes to keep the foster parents well informed and assured.

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