Insel flight schedule in state of total disarray (again!)
In recent weeks the airline had managed to push back delays to a near-normal schedule and operated relatively punctual during the year-end holidays. Passengers can only hope that the difficulties with today’s flight schedule no more than a temporary hiccup.
Insel Air was recently bailed out by the Government of Curaçao after the company ran into a dire cash flow situation which, according to the carrier, is to be blamed on delayed payments out of Venezuela of tickets sold in the neighboring country. The government intends to put external managers in place at the privately owned company to ensure that funds are well managed and government can get back the money borrowed to Insel Air due to abnormal circumstances.
Insel has also improved the management of delays. Most passengers do get an email update in case of delayed flights. However, the emails are of little help once passengers are already checked in and waiting at an airport outside of Curaçao.