Koos Sneek wants Evaluation of CXC system for Statia
Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- Koos Sneek wants an evaluation of the use on St. Eustiatus of the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) system.
This is written in Sneek’s Action plan. “Since 2015 the language of instruction on Statia has been changed from Dutch to English. With this change, also the CXC educational system has been introduced. This year for the first time, students who did a full curriculum in this system made the next step in furthering their education”, according to Sneek.
Sneek also notes that some students who are attempting to further their education in The European part of The Netherlands, are encountering difficulties.
“This is not only caused by the language barrier. It is also unclear how a diploma achieved in the CXC system is rated compared to diplomas achieved in the Dutch school system. Without taking away from students their right of being educated in their mother tongue, the choice of a Dutch language school with education according to the Dutch educational system should be available”, says Sneek.
Sneek suggests that the use of the CXC system is evaluated, to indicate what the pros and cons of the current system is for students on the island. Sneek however also suggests to allow students and parents a choice when it comes to choosing either the English/Caribbean system or the Dutch system.
“A Dutch-language school with Dutch as language of instruction needs to be re-introduced”, according to Sneek in his Action plan.
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