
MPB and UPB Sign Coalition Agreement

Antonius and Tjin-Asjoe signed on behalf of the MPB, while Kroon and Balentin signed the agreement on behalf of the UPB. Photo: MPB

Kralendijk- This evening around 7 PM, an agreement was signed between the Movementu di Pueblo Boneriano (MPB) and the Union Patriotiko Boneriano (UPB) for the formation of a new government coalition for the Public Entity Bonaire.

The blue and green parties, after some negotiation, were able to find each other in the contours of a new administrative agreement. In the agreement signed in The Islander tonight, the parties also promised to arrive at a detailed government program within 60 days.


“The MPB campaigned with the slogan,” You deserve a better Bonaire “. The UPB campaigned with the slogan,” UPB, together in one direction. Proven Stability “. The pursuit of a better Bonaire in a hopeful environment with administrative stability have formed the basis for the coalition agreement between the MPB (with four seats in the Island Council) and the UPB (with two seats in the Island Council), “according to the introduction in the signed document.

According to yet unconfirmed reports, MPB Party leader Tjin-Asjoe, UPB party leader James Kroon and the number 2 of MPB Nina Den Heyer who will be three deputies in the new executive council.

The leader of the Democratic Party, Clark Abraham (3 seats), was surprised by the announcement of the signing. “We as PDB had a fruitful exploratory talk with the MPB and we would promised a follow-up meeting,” says Abaham. However, the invitation for another meeting never materialized.

The MPB and UPB together have a comfortable majority of 6 out of a total of 9 seats in the Island Council. However, in the previous government period, the UPB turend out to be a less stable party than previously expected. The question is whether the party leader Kroon will be better able to control the elected members of his party this time around.

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