
MPB weighs in on Bonaire Pride discussion

KRALENDIJK – Now that the Pride-week has been finalized, the Movementu di Pueblo Boneriano (MPB) has also weighed in on the discussion surrounding the celebration of Pride in the past week. Under the title ‘We are all Bonaire’, MPB states the following:

In recent weeks, there has been much discussion in the community about accepting everyone’s sexual orientation. This is a difficult discussion, and sometimes we see groups disrespecting each other.


In a community, we can have different opinions, we can see different things in other people, but ultimately, we are all children of God. God has poured His love upon us and calls us to love our fellow human beings as we love ourselves, even if they may be different in terms of race, sexuality, political preference, or religion.

We must not let our community be divided by race, sexuality, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else. Each of us has a role in this community to create something that the next generation can enjoy and be proud of.

As a party, MPB has love and respect for everyone as one of its core principles. Another fundamental principle of our party is equal rights. Therefore, we call upon our community to respect each other, each other’s heritage, race, and also sexual orientation. Let us be an inclusive community where everyone feels a part of it. Ultimately, we all want to be happy, and no one can determine the happiness of another,” according to the statement of the blue party. 

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