With our warm climate you need to drink a lot a water and so do your plants. However, water your plants in the evening, it cuts down on evaporation and allows the plants several hours without sun to take up water into their system. This will help to save on water and your bill at the end of the month.
Be smart and responsible with water. This way you can save considerably. And in this way you contribute to the continuity of the water supply on our island
*This is a paid advertisement from Water-en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB)
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Saba Makes Strides in Erosion Control and Vegetation Recovery
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Sint-Maarten Police Hosts CARICOM Delegation for Regional Collaboration
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Police Raid Home and Arrest Resident in Drug Case Bonaire
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Traffic Check Lead to Seven Fines on St. Eustatius
St. Maarten Partners Advance Historical Document Preservation
Consumer Affairs
Saba Faces Egg Shortage Amid Calls for Local Poultry Farm Investment
Market survey for the cultural engagement monitor
Police and justice
Bonaire Police Arrest Suspect in Connection with Shooting