Prior to Covid-19, Visitor numbers Bonaire were Up 21%
Kralendijk – In 2019, the number of visitors arriving in Bonaire by air was nearly 160 thousand. This is a growth of 21 percent relative to 2013, according to figures presented by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
The largest growth in the period 2013–2019 occurred in the last two years when the number of flight movements to Bonaire increased as well. The period 2013–2016 saw only minor growth, followed by a small dip in 2017 due to problems with Insel Air, among others.
Most visitors originated from the European Netherlands, the United States, Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten. The market of the European Netherlands became more important since 2013, while the market of Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten, on the contrary, became less important.
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