Police and justice

Smuggler Detained at Flamingo Airport With 100 Drug Packets in Stomach

The suspect admitted to having swallowed about 100 packets of drugs for transportation. After the excretion of 42 packets the ‘natural’ way, the suspect was transported to the hospital for medical intervention.

Kralendijk- On Tuesday, March 12 a drug smuggler was arrested by the Royal Military Police (Koninklijke Marechaussee) on the airport in Bonaire.

The man was suspected of having swallowed a number of drug packets for transportation, but vehemently denied and did not want to participate in an X-ray examination to prove his innocence.


Just before he was forced to cooperate with the examination anyways, the suspect asked for laxatives and admitted to having swallowed no less than 100 drug packets (‘bolitas’).

When the man had already excreted 42 ‘bolitas’ the natural way, plastic residues were also found. After this, the man was rushed off to the Fundashon Mariadal Hospital. Authorities at present have no information on the man’s condition.

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