Police and justice

Statia Police Intervene in ‘Bottles Incident’

A picture of the bottles thrown from the yard in question.

Oranstad, St. Eustatius- KPCN communicated on Tuesday that they intervened last week in a situation on St. Eustatius, where a resident was throwing bottles from his private yard onto the public road.

The patrol that went to the site addressed the man in question about his action. According to KPCN, during this conversation it turned out that it was about an ongoing conflict between this man and  third parties known to Police, who are constantly throwing garbage in this man’s private yard.


The police made it clear to the resident in question, S.K. that this course of action was undesirable and inappropriate. After the conversation it was agreed upon that this would not happen again and to notify the police if garbage was being thrown in his private yard again.

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