
TCB to partner with Go Travel-Res/Ultragroup in Medellin

TCB will work together with Go Travel-Res/Ultragroup Medellin. This will result in various activities for the year 2017.

Kralendijk- Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) will partner with the Colombian organization ‘Go Travel-Res/Ultragroup Medellin’. TCB says that through the partnership various activities will be taking place during 2017.


Bonaire was recently showcased during a lunch presentation in order to kick off the beginning of a promotional season in Medellin, Colombia. Bonaire had a great attendance at the lunch with over 45 different travel agents, operators and airline representatives.

“The focus of this lunch presentation was to emphasize on the different possibilities and activities that Bonaire has to offer; from how to get there, dining, types of accommodations till what to do on the island were presented,” says TCB Marketing Manager, Malinda Hassell. “The partnership with Go Travel-Res/Ultragroup was one of the important aspects during this lunch. Together with TCB, different campaigns will be launched during these upcoming months such as; “Mes de Bonaire” a month fully dedicated to the island, familiarization trips, and different publications on social media platforms and magazines. The intention is to market and expose the island and to increase its awareness under the Medellin market which has a lot of potential”.

TCB also met with Tour operator ‘Munditur’ who provided valuable feedback on previous familiarization trips on how to better position Bonaire as a vacation destination in the Colombian market.

Last but not least TCB was invited by Tour operator Aviatur which organized a breakfast presentation with their agents. TCB presented Bonaire as a Tourism Destination to the agents; they were very impressed with the diversity and uniqueness of the island.


TCB has created a landing page especially for the travel agents of the Latin America/Colombian market called Here they will get specific information catered to their different questions. TCB looks forward to an effective and successful partnership with these Medellin tour operators.

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