
Van Huffelen wants new study on banking challenges BES

THE HAGUE- State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen wants to execute a new study focussed on the improvement of banking services for particularly residents of St. Eustatius and Saba.

This intention is mentioned in a letter sent at the end of September 2023 by Van Huffelen to Dutch Parliament. The State Secretary lists the challenging situation when it comes to banking with other topics which are still being worked on, such as the introduction of the Burger Service Nummer (BSN) and Postal Codes for the three BES-islands. 


Small steps

According to Van Huffelen, some small steps have been made in improving the banking situation, but not enough. A comprehensive study was already executed in 2019 by PWC, but the State Secretary wants to once again execute a study which will hopefully lead to new insides and solutions. 

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