
Washington Park Now Recognized Training Company

Washington Park Entrance

On Thursday 26 April at 9.30am, Washington Slagbaai National Park will be officially recognized as a training center by the Education Labor Market Council.

Kralendijk- On Thursday 26 April at 9.30am a ceremony will take place at Washington Slagbaai National Park (WSNP) in connection with their recognition a training center by the ROA (Education Labor Market Council).


In accredited training centers students of the MBO (secondary education) are trained for their future professions.

Through this recognition STINAPA trainers will transfer their knowledge and expertise to the students. The Washington Slagbaai National Park is proud to open its doors to these young people and offer them an interesting and safe learning environment.

STINPA says that by educating young people in the nature sector and sharing our knowledge and experience with them, they contribute to the training of good professionals on Bonaire.

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