
Radio-exams Saba & Sint Eustatius | Advertisement

The Radiocommunications Agency hereby announces that the following radio exams will be organised:

Type of examFee
VHF Operator’s Certificate$28,- USD

The exams will take place on the following dates:

St. EustatiusOctober 23rd & 24th
SabaOctober 25nd & 26th

To apply for an exam, please send an email to ‘Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur ’, via the following email address: [email protected]. Applications can be done on for Statia until the 11th of September and for Saba until the 14th of September 2023. Please indicate in email the keyword “Radio-exams” and state your name, address, email and telephone number. We hereby remind you that VHF radio installations on board boats or (restricted) coastal stations can only be operated by persons holding a valid radio operator’s.

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