
Speeches government response report ‘Ketenen van het verleden’(Chains of the past’) to follow live

Karien van Gennip Minister of Social Affairs and Employment - Photo Rijksoverheid Martijn Beekman

KRALENDIJK – On December 19th, 2022, Prime Minister Mark Rutte will speak live from the National Archives in the Netherlands about his cabinet’s response to the report ‘Ketenen van het verleden’ (Chains of the past)’ by the Advisory Board Dialooggroep Slavernijverleden. 

To emphasize the importance of this subject, a minister or state secretary is present on each island in order to provide an explanation of the government’s response. Subsequently, there is an appropriate program for each island. The speeches can be followed live.

Bonaire 10 AM – 1 PM 

Karien van Gennip, Minister of Social Affairs and Employment 

Can be followed via Facebook Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire, NosTV Bonaire and  Dutch Caribbean TV

Curaçao van 9:30 AM – 12:00 noon 

Alexandra van Huffelen, State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digitalisation 

Can be followed via Facebook Vertegenwoordiging van Nederland in Willemstad 

Stations Direct Media Curaçao, TeleCuraçao, Nos Pais Television

Aruba 10 AM – 12:00 noon

Eric van der Burg, State Secrary of Justice en Security 

Can be followed via Facebook Vertegenwoordiging van Nederland in Oranjestad, 24Ora, Stations TeleAruba, Diario Tv Aruba

St. Maarten 9:45 AM – 12:00 noon 

Ernst Kuipers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport 

Can be followed live via Facebook Dutch Representation Office in Sint Maarten

St. Eustatius 10:00 AM – 11:45 AM 

Marnix van Rij, State Secretary of Finance 

Can be followed live via Facebook Statia Government

Saba van 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM 

Maarten van Ooijen, State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport

Can be followed live via Facebook Public Entity Saba

On this day the commemorative year of slavery 2023 – 2024, that will start on July 1st 2023, will also be announced. Everyone is cordially invited to follow these speeches live.

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